MGAPS Executives and Officers


Catherine Boisvert

MGAPS President

Hi there! My name is Catherine and I am both a PhD candidate in experimental condensed matter physics and MGAPS President of our 2024-2025 council. As president, my main task is to be the primary spokesperson for all physics graduate students. I am mandated to advocate for our community, which means overseeing our MGAPS council, ensuring communication and transparency between the students and the department, listening to any and all concerns of our community, coordinating with other groups within and outside McGill, and overall making sure that our needs as a whole are met. MGAPS works towards continuously bettering our community, so if there is an issue that we aren’t aware of or needs that are not being met, do not hesitate to contact any council members (or shoot me an email!). We are here for YOU.


Ekaterina (Katya) Ulyanov

VP Academic

Hi! I’m Katya, a first-year PhD student in experimental condensed matter. As VP Academic, my goal is to foster a pleasant and enriching environment for students, and to facilitate communication and collaboration between MGAPS and MSPS, the undergraduate student society. I oversee the Coffee & Cookies gatherings with colloquium speakers, held weekly on Fridays at 2:35PM, and manage the Undergrad Mentorship Program. Outside of research, I enjoy creative writing, reading (and running a book club!), playing frisbee, and exploring Montréal cafés to find the perfect cappuccino. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any academic (i.e. supervisory or course-related) concerns - I am here to support you and to direct you to appropriate resources.


Sean Magnifico

VP Communications

Hi there! I’m Sean and I take care of advertising MGAPS events, organizing social media, creating informative posters and communicating with you all in general. If I’m doing my job right, you’ll get regular emails from me (peep the newsletter – there are fun bits in there). I also take on secretarial duties such as taking minutes and attendance at the GAs. Follow MGAPS on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to stay up to date with what we are doing!


Leo Rizk

VP Finance

Hello physics grads and postdocs! My name’s Leo and I’m a second-year MSc student working in astroparticle physics. I’m from Montreal and I love this city! Ask me about the best places to visit or where to find the most delicious pizza or drinks! When I’m not busy astrophysicsing, I’m probably out on my bike or playing Nintendo. This is my second year as VP Finance for MGAPS. My role is to manage the budget, track all our transactions, and keep MGAPS financially sober. MGAPS is funded by you (its members) and I make sure that these funds are used judiciously to benefit you. If there’s anything I can help with, please let me know.


Regan Ross

VP Professional Development

Hi! I’m Regan, your VP Professional Development. I’m a PhD student in experimental particle physics and my role in MGAPS is to help facilitate connections between our graduate student community and the broader community beyond academe.


Noah Pinkney

VP Social

Hi, I’m Noah, a first-year PhD student in condensed matter theory and your VP Social for the 2024-25 academic year. My job is to organize social events for MGAPS, including the end-of-year party, holiday party, and annual welcome barbecue. If you have ideas for other activities or events you’d like to see, please reach out to me — let’s make it happen!



Nayyer Raza

AGSEM Representative

Hi! I’m one of your delegates to the Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM), which is your teaching assistant (TA) union. My job is to make sure you know your rights as a TA and make sure they’re being respected throughout the department. I also attend AGSEM meetings and events to keep you up to date. If you ever have any TA related issues/concerns please reach out to me and I can help navigate available resources and advocate for your rights!


Numa Karolinski

AGSEM Representative

Are you employed at McGill? If you’re a graduate student in the physics department, there’s a very good chance you are. As your AGSEM representative, I ensure that your rights as an employee are respected. I also dedicate my free time to advocating for fair pay and making sure your voice is heard. If you have any employment-related issues, please don’t hesitate to contact me! In addition to being your AGSEM representative, I’m a first-year PhD student in Professor Andrew Cumming’s research group, where I run theoretical numerical simulations of neutron star winds using Athena++. I also have an interest in cosmology, history, foreign affairs and economics; all interesting facts are welcome with me. When I’m not working or advocating, you can usually find me rock climbing, DJing, listening to music, or catching up on sleep.


Guilherme Caumo

AGSEM Representative

email: N/A

David Gallacher

Chief Returning Officer

email: N/A

Lily Williams

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer

Hi there! I’m Lily, a second year master’s student in experimental low-temperature atomic force microscopy in Peter Grutter’s research group. As Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Officer I work to make McGill Physics’ grad experience more open for those who are traditionally excluded from physics, which is especially important to me as a person with intersectional identities. I am a central contact for issues or concerns people may have with EDI-related matters, and I facilitate events that help promote the wonderful diversity of backgrounds we have here in the physics department! I’m also a member of the departmental EDI committee, where I represent MGAPS members and advise on social programming that doesn’t just cater to the mainstream or privileged groups. When I’m not researching or advising, I love hiking, playing tabletop roleplaying games, learning some new arts & crafts, reading Sci-Fi and Fantasy, and playing video games. I also ride motorcycles, own a sword, and dream of being New Zealand’s first ever astronaut someday :) Feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions about EDI at McGill!


Christian Capanelli

Mental Health Officer

Hi! I’m Christian, your mental health officer. It is my role to connect you with mental health resources: both on and off campus. If you are feeling overwhelmed by graduate studies, or just the weight of being human, and are unsure where to turn, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am always available to listen and try to point you in the direction of help. Part of my responsibility is to promote a welcoming environment where students can experience their feelings without judgement. I also organize wellbeing events throughout the year, so keep an eye on your email! See for a non-comprehensive list of resources.


Valentin Boettcher

PGSS Representative

Hi, I’m a second year PhD student in Bill Coish’s group. As one of the PGSS representatives, I attend the PGSS council meetings and vote on behalf of physics grads. In turn, we keep MGAPS informed of the current issues and initiatives.


Samin Majidi

PGSS Representative

Hi, I’m Samin, one of your representatives in the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS). My role is to represent the Physics graduate students by voting on their behalf at the PGSS Council meetings. I also ensure that MGAPS stays updated on important issues and initiatives. If you have any concerns or topics you’d like me to raise at the PGSS Council, feel free to reach out via email.


Talia Martz-Oberlander

PGSS Representative

The job of a PGSS representative is to attend and vote on behalf of physics grads at PGSS council (which is accompanied by free food) and in turn keep MGAPS informed of the current issues and initiatives. Talia (she/her) is a third year PhD student in experimental condensed matter, a mom, and avid environmentalist. She has previously served as MGAPS EDI Officer and Workspace Officer and is passionate about making sure PGSS serves the interests of physics grad students. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or requests.



Postdoctoral Officer

The Postdoctoral Officer serves as a liaison between postdoctoral fellows and graduate students in the department. It is the officer’s job to keep postdocs informed of MGAPS initiatives and encourage their involvement in MGAPS affairs. This positions is currently open.

email: N/A

Hugo Schérer

RTech and Computing Officer

Hi, I’m Hugo and I’m the RTech and Computing Officer! This officer acts as a resource for students seeking or initiating computational skill development opportunities (such as workshops, seminars, lecture series, etc…) in the department. This person is also responsible for maintaining the MGAPS website.


Renee Goodman

Sports Officer

Hello Physics Grads! As sports officer it is my pleasure to organize fun activities to keep us happy and healthy. Keep an eye out in your inbox for events such as weekly yoga nights, rock climbing, ice skating, workshops, and more! Feel free to contact me with any event ideas or questions.


Kate Szabo

TA Officer

Hello! I’m a first year Master’s student in experimental condensed matter physics, and the current TA officer for MGAPS. My role involves collecting and sharing logistical and pedagogical resources for TA’s. If you have any good teaching resources, or any recommendations for information to include in our TA wiki (coming soon) please reach out to me!


Sarah Rourke

Workspace Officer

I’m Sarah (she/they), a second year masters student and your Workspace, Safety, and Accessibility Officer this year! I am tasked with ensuring the safety and quality of the environment of all grad students, and advocating for increased accessibility in Rutherford and all other relevant spaces on campus. I am the liaison between the grad students and the Physics EDI and Building Committees. Please reach out if you have a concern you’d like me to address!
